This day of unseasonably heavy rain resulted in a couple of flooding calls from renters, as well as a few surprises that were not called in.
Just after 7:00AM I noticed that my covered patio was leaking. It's difficult to see in this photo, but there is a steady drip.
There was a leak in my bathroom. Looking in the attic revealed destroyed particle board and an imminent need for a roof repair.
The first call from a renter was at 7:23AM. The water had pooled up approximately 2 inches by their front door and was slowly entering the house. The tenant was mopping up the water inside.
My plan consisted of digging a crude trench and giving the water a path to travel away from the house. This at least resolved the imminent problem. In the middle of resolving that the next flooding request came in via text message at 7:41.
On the way to the second flooding call I noticed the storm drain backing up in front of Joe's house.
Once I arrived at the second house it was apparent that the flooding on the back side of the house was from a stream of water flowing from the next door neighbor's house.
You can see the flooding in the left side of this photo.
Water entered both sides of the unit. I tried to dig paths for the water to drain, but this job was a lot more challenging than the first one due to the flatter terrain of my property. I was able to force some of the water to drain, but I believe that the rain subsiding was the main reason why the flooding stopped. I tried contacting the managers of the adjacent house, but they told me that the owner "denies any responsibility and will not be addressing any concerns". I tried.
I brought my pressure washer, so while I was at the second house I cleaned the walkways and front stoop.
I didn't pressure wash the parking area because the high-pressure rotating tip of my pressure washer wasn't rotating properly. Since I pressure washed this entire area with the yellow tip, it was more time consuming than it should have been.
On the way home the city employees were working on the backed up storm drain in my neighborhood. They told me that they were covered up with work.
Finally, around 5:15PM I stopped by another house in an attempt to make contact with a renter, and I was greeted by this lake. Fortunately it didn't seem to affect the house, but it did flood the back yard.