• Date: 2020-07-29

It's a bright summer day in downtown Athens.  Here are some of the effects on entrepreneurs during public panic.

These photos are primarily of businesses that are visibly coping with various restrictions.  There are many business that are still open, but most have very few customers.

A test image taken while deciding which lens to use for this project.  Considered a 35mm prime lens (the only fixed focal length lens I own), but ultimately went with the versatile 18-140mm zoom.


I haven't seen or heard of Ding Tea, but as of July 23 (6 days ago), they posted on social media that they are hiring for this location.


Lots of available parking at the Washington Street deck.  The College Avenue deck had 152 available parking spaces.


The Office has been closed until further notice "to prevent the spread of Covid-19"






A restaurant that requires masks.  Hopefully patrons are allowed to take them off when eating.




Clocked American Diner.  Pickup and outside dining.  Customers are not allowed inside the building.






A nearly-empty parking lot


Vacant office building at the intersection of Pulaski Street and Clayton Street.


Covered sign.  Photo shot next to the previous photo.


Chick Music on Clayton Street


I don't know what this purple place is, but it's 11:51am and the door is locked.




5 Bar has a parcel.


Blair's Belts on Hull Street - locked

