Chuck and I hit the trails in 2022, this time with Mabel on a 1-night, 20 mile out-and-back walk on the Chattooga River trail starting at Highway 76.
We hit the trail around 10:00 am on Saturday, October 22, 2022. Chuck is demonstrating the heaviness of his pack.
A sign at the beginning of the hike approximately 100 feet from the car.
Starting point. Those bathrooms in the background were the last ones we would see in a day and a half.
The Chattooga River is picturesque even if I don't hold the camera level. The river parallels the trail.
This photo as shot at the beginning of the trek. We didn't know it at the time, but Dick's Creek Road would be where we would turn around.
Several of the many bridges were damaged by falling trees and storms. We were able to navigate past all of the failed bridges.
We took a 2-hour rest at a scenic campsite next to the river. There were Autumn leaves starting to accumulate, but we missed the critical mass.
At the rest site chuck found some small pumpkins that somebody had left next to the fire ring.
This bridge had failed, so we ultimately had to remove shoes and walk across.
Next to the no-bridge crossing Mabel found a pile of sand, which she naturally started digging. It was fun to watch.
Once we were several hours into the hike Mabel rested when the opportunity presented itself.
Trying to clear the sediment off of our feet after crossing the water.
I am not sure if this is Rhododendren, but when I saw Chuck taking pictures of this plant I thought about the song Rhododendren currently playing on the Bulldog 93.3 by Hurray for the Riff Raff:
Once we turned around we backtracked a couple of miles to a suitable campsite by the water. As the night progressed it cooled off, but the much-anticipated campfire helped Chuck, Mabel, and me stay warm. Fortunately the woods were dry, so starting the fire was relatively easy.
We pumped water at night and in the morning after cooking meals.
Chuck is newer to backpacking than I am, but the food he brought was a lot better than the food I brought. Chuck brought cheese sticks, hard boiled eggs, trail mix, carrots, and fresh food.
Mabel warming up next to the fire on Sunday morning.
Getting ready to head back to the car on Sunday morning.
There were a few spots where cell phone and ham radio coverage was available, but overall this trail was low elevation, so the communication was a bit more limited than most hikes. I was able to check in with David (N4TS) on his 2m repeater on Black Rock in Rabun County.
Nearing the car.
Back to the car late afternoon Sunday.
Chuck's Photos:
Beginning the hike - 10 miles to Dick's Creek Road.
Mabel posing for a photo.
Mabel and me.
Mabel and Me at one of the campsites.
A sign next to bridge where we left the car.