• Date: 2024-06-01

The first hamfest that Haocheng, Carol Ann, and I attended since the Dayton Hamvention.  This hamfest is held annually at Jim Miller Park in Marietta, GA.  This hamfest is hosted by the Kennehoochee Amateur Radio Club and and The Atlanta Radio Club.

I bought an older Onkyo Home AV receiver and a long 900MHz Yagi antenna.


Scan of the admission ticket


Haocheng and Carol Ann before entering the gates at Jim Miller Park


The inside exhibits


A Dachshund dog.




Hank N4HYB and Zach NI4K from the Kennehoochee Amateur Radio Club table, just inside the building.


John N3ACK from the Atlanta Radio Club drawing prize winners








Neil N4FN from the Southeastern DX Club






North Fulton Amateur Radio League booth




Ricky NG4DX at the American Radio Relay League 'ARRL' booth


CCrane Radios for sale.  (Note that these are pronounced "C Crane", not "CC Crane".  Lots of people read a C that isn't there.


An old Aiwa CS-350 miniature boombox at one of the inside booths.


Haocheng with Carol Ann


Me pushing the stroller just inside the gates.


I used the quad copter for some aerial photos.  Admittedly these photos were shot in the afternoon as the hamfest was winding down, so it does not show the hamfest at its peak.


Part of the tailgating section




The food truck and the side of the building




Weeee!  This park has several structures that look like temporary carnival rides, but these structures have been here for a long time.




Aerial photos of the indoor section of the hamfest.






After the hamfest we went to Haocheng's friend's house in Marietta for a delightful taco bar and fun conversations


Aerial photos of the neighborhood




Haocheng, Carol Ann, and Brittany.